
R.Sharath's workshop in Tokyo

Sharath's workshop started from today. This is the second time he comes to Japan to have WS. The first ws was two years ago. It was a nice experience although the ws space was terribly packed with people, between mats was about 1 or 2 inch. I made good friends there.

Today the place was in a sports center in a suburban of Tokyo. There were over one hundred people but the space was huge enough. I got a space on the first row and next to Dan who is my first ashtanga yoga teacher. Next to Dan, there were May and Barry. It was nice to practice with many ashtangi.

I have been practicing alone in my place for a while, so I was little nervous before the class. But I was not so bad as I expected. But I was tired than usual I think it's because of vinyasa. When I do jump back, I do up and jump without stopping. In Sharath's counting, there were pause between up and jump for a second. It made me tired. I should do vinyasa like this.

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