
WoYoPracMo Day 17:Kushi Macro Basic1:Day 2

This was the second day of the macrobiotic class and the first cooking class.

-Tofu steak with veg sauce.
-Miso soup
-Boiled veg with sun flower seeds sauce
-Whole rice
-fruits jelly

Since this was the first cooking lesson, we cooked very simple menu which can be the fundamental of Macro. What I was surprised was we cooked whole veg. This is the concept of Macro, but it is still new for me. We chopped green leeks including their roots that I had always thrown away. sorry...

Whole rice was tender and soft. The teacher told that people tended to cook whole rice too firm, especially in restaurants. For digestion and taste, it would better to be soft.

I was not able to sleep until 3am so I couldn't get up this morning to go to the mysore class. The one day before, I went to my aunt's house to fix her laptop. I also helped another thing for her moving and I listened her chatting for long time, literally *listened*. I was busy for working for the laptop, calling some people to set up for her moving and listening her for all day. She wanted to go to her new apartment with me to see the building. She drove me there. We was not able to get into the room, so I was waiting for her in her car which smelled smoking. I was covering my nose whole way. It was OK, because I wanted help her but I was totally exhausted and sick. I was on bed around midnight but my brain was still busy. I couldn't stop my thought and felt carsick. Then stayed awake until 3am.

I woke up late so I had 45 minutes for practice before the class. I did primary series up to Pachimo with lot of san-sult B. I wanted to do more and more.

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